

Lisa De Witt commented by

NEXUS  EDITOR Duncan Roads




Contents of this document:

06-16-03 - NEXUS EDITOR Duncan Roads Writes

06-17-03 - Comment of NEXUS EDITOR Duncan Roads on Lisa De Witt's writing on Yahoo

06-26-03 - Further to Duncan Roads-Lisa de Witt


Date: 06-16-03

From: Barry Pittard




1.  Duncan Roads to Barry Pittard,  Sunday, June 15, 2003 12:15 AM.  

2.  Yahoo Group - Sathyasaibaba2. Sathya Sai Baba - Exploring the Life and Work of India's Famous Guru:

From: Lisa (Lisa De Witt), Fri Jun 13, 2003  10:56 p.m.:
Re: [Sathya Sai Baba] They just grow and grow

3.  NEXUS, June-July 2003. (Copied from magazine, and posted: ,Thursday 12 June, 2003, Author: Barry Pittard, Australia.)

Lisa De Witt's message was drawn to my attention, which appeared on the Yahoo group last Friday.  Although nasty, name-calling letters like this receive short shrift from most former devotees, the message can stand as an example of the attempt by many SSB devotees, led by the example of their guru himself (e.g., in his Christmas discourse 2000),  to side-track from issues by attacking individuals, and meretricious name-calling.  Instead of looking at the evidence with rationality, much less compassion, they resort to slurs, and evasion of the facts and arguments presented. The slightly more 'clever' - such as T. Ramanathan, Thorbjörn Meyer, Jorgen Trygved - show their overwhelming Prema by resorting to threats of litigation against those who repeatedly and openly call out for the truth to be told. 

Interested to see what NEXUS Editor Duncan Roads would reply, whose name the author, Lisa De Witt, does not even have the respect to spell rightly, I wrote to Duncan.  (He has published my Expose update letter in the latest issue of his magazine, which goes to many countries around the world, and which is included in Lisa De Witt's post).   

First, the Prema-filled Lisa De Witt's note: 

This is how DUMB Duncan Rhodes of NEXUS is. He goes around telling people that AIDS is NOT caused by a virus and so therefore cannot be transmitted sexually. So much for his 'careful' research.


Duncan Roads replied:



----- Original Message -----

From: Duncan Roads

To: Barry Pittard

Sent: June 15, 2003 12:15 AM


Dear Barry,

As usual, the ignorant and uninformed yell the loudest, call people 'retards' , and as usual they are wrong.

Let's start from the top.

1) My surname is Roads, not Rhodes.
2) I do NOT go "around telling people that AIDS is NOT caused by a virus ..... ".
3) I HAVE published several articles which clearly show that AIDS is NOT caused by HIV. I am not alone in this. The world's top experts in retroviruses also maintain this stance, as do hundreds of other scientists.
4) Nowhere in these articles does it say that AIDS cannot be transmitted sexually.
5) Back to the point, does this person's ignorance of who I am and what I publish reflect on whether or not Sai Baba is a pedophile and rapist?
6) I personally interviewed victims and parents. I used to be a believer and I denied these accounts as fiction, UNTIL I INVESTIGATED THEM.

I challenge anyone who thinks Sai Baba is innocent of these allegations, to speak to the victims, and emerge with no doubts.

It was a sad day for me to learn of Sai Baba's true nature. It was even sadder to receive the most foul-languaged abuse I have ever received, from Sai Baba devotees, after I published our findings. 

Sai Baba has told followers to close their ears and shut their eyes to these allegations. He does this because he fears what will happen when his followers wake up.

The followers who refuse to investigate for themselves, are also fearful to discover that they have been following a lie all these years.

God is within each of us, he is not Sai Baba!


Duncan M. Roads
Editor, NEXUS Magazine
PO Box 30, Mapleton Qld 4560 Australia
Tel: 07 5442 9280; Fax: 07 5442 9381





Comment of NEXUS EDITOR 

Duncan Roads on Lisa De Witt's

 writing on Yahoo




Contents of this document:

06-16-03 - NEXUS EDITOR Duncan Roads Writes

06-17-03 - Comment of NEXUS EDITOR Duncan Roads on Lisa De Witt's writing on Yahoo

06-26-03 - Further to Duncan Roads-Lisa de Witt


---- Original Message -----
To: Ex Baba
Sent: Tuesday, June 17, 2003 2:20 PM
Subject: Re: Hi

Dear Ex Baba,

Nice to hear from you. With regards to the comments by 'Lisa':

She is merely seeking to distract and deflect any investigation into the allegations against Sai Baba.

All I say to such people, is INVESTIGATE the allegations! Interview the victims. Read their testimonies. If after all that you still think Sai Baba is innocent, then so be it.
I have now spoken to many many more victims of sexual abuse by Sai Baba. All are/were young men. All have exactly the same series of events.

1) He gets them into a private interview, and swears them to secrecy.
2) He gets them to drop their pants and he fondles their penis.
3) If there is an erection resulting from this, he takes it further, much further.
4) If not, there is usually anger from Sai Baba towards the (now) victim, who is told he has faults of varying kinds.

Every single case follows these steps. It is impossible that all these people are meeting and corroborating their details. Many of the cases I have listened to, have not been told elsewhere, and I am asked not to mention names.

I used to be a believer. I heard some scattered accounts of his sexual misconduct, but dismissed these accounts without investigation.
Years later I find myself editing a growing international alternative news magazine. I put in serious time and effort to check what we publish, and have a policy of publishing any factual errors pointed out to us.

In my capacity of editor, I was contacted by a mother of one of Sai Baba's victims, who told me her story. I was moved to take the case further and ask around. I ended up speaking to several very senior ex-devotees, who told me of their own children being abused. I contacted a couple of Sai Baba representatives here in Australia, did NOT deny ANY of the broad allegations whatsoever. Indeed, they told me that all the good Sai Baba does outweighs the bad.

These are not devotees of a god of love! They are shameless weak people who need their 'power' in some hierarchy to be maintained at all costs.

Sai Baba instructs devotees NOT to investigate the claims against him. There is no spiritual mumbo-jumbo to explain this. This is a desperate man who sexually preys on young male devotees, trying to protect himself against the truth.

If Lisa cannot be bothered to investigate these very serious claims, and at least talk to some victims, then it should be clearly recognised that she is willingly aiding and abetting the sexual abuse and rape of young boys by Sathya Sai Baba. This would appear consistent with her tactics of lies, smear and innuendo against those wishing to see a proper legal investigation into the matter.

Duncan Roads

Editor, NEXUS Magazine
PO Box 30, Mapleton Qld 4560 Australia
Tel: 07 5442 9280; Fax: 07 5442 9381





Further to Duncan Roads-Lisa de Witt




Contents of this document:

06-16-03 - NEXUS EDITOR Duncan Roads Writes

06-17-03 - Comment of NEXUS EDITOR Duncan Roads on Lisa De Witt's writing on Yahoo

06-26-03 - Further to Duncan Roads-Lisa de Witt



Posted: Barry Pittard

Date: Thursday, June 26, 2003

1. In its latest Issue, June-July 2003, NEXUS magazine published my letter, an all too brief update of some main Expose accomplishments over the last three years. This article is also available at:, Thursday 12 June, 2003. News section. 

2. Lisa de Witt - who is, if her wondrous charitableness is a sure sign of her adherence to her teacher's five cardinal principles, a SSB devotee - posted on another site a note strangely yet blessedly letting me off the hook but attacking the bona fides of Duncan Roads, publisher-editor of NEXUS. Her letter, Fri Jun 13, 2003  10:56 p.m.:

3. I copied the de Witt letter to Duncan Roads, who was kind enough to let me post his response. See News, http://www.exbaba.comMonday June 16, 2003.

4. On the Sathyasaibaba2 group on Mon Jun 16, 2003  11:55 pm,

Ms de Witt - flying in the face of Mr. Road's rational reply to her first attack - again smacks in, like an old-time STASI fist. Duncan wrote me a response, which a computer downtime prevented me from sending. I post it now.

5. During my enforced absence, I notice that Mr. Roads wrote to Ex Baba, who has posted his letter on News, Tuesday, June 17.

The gentle Lisa's words are in red. 

As far as Roads, I was on a message board where he swore up and down AIDS was not sexually transmitted which is what one would assume since he swears AIDS is NOT caused by a virus, even though he appears to be trying to worm his way out of it now. I dare him to sleep with an AIDS-infected person if he believes so much in his great 'scientists'. Obviously, the scientists he collects his research from don't know what they are talking about since the MAINSTREAM medical and scientific community says AIDS IS caused by a virus. Personally, I think people like him are part of the eugenics movement.

Okay, show me those postings. I don't have to worm my way out of anything to do with the fact that HIV does NOT cause AIDS, because HIV does NOT cause AIDS. The rest of your claims above are outright lies, as you well know.

Again, like most fascists in this group, Roads has pronounced Baba guilty until proven innocent. Not ONE of YOU has bothered to try and investigate the OTHER side of the story. In a COURT of LAW EACH ACCUSATION would have to be proven on it's OWN merit. Apparently, each of you thinks YOU are beyond the law.

Your tactics of smear and distraction should only make readers more suspicious of your motives. It is worth mentioning that while I was investigating the claims against Sai Baba, not one representative of the movement denied the claims. NOT ONE!!!! Instead, they sought to tell me that 'all the good Sai Baba does, outweighs the bad'.

This means that the representatives I spoke to condone the rape and sexual molestation of young boys and men. I wonder how much Lisa actually knows herself. Is she just hoping all this is wrong, or has she done even a tiny bit of research?

So Lisa, stop the lies, the smear tactics and the distraction. I challenge you to interview victims and relatives and report back to this list with your findings.

It is time for you to put up, or shut up.

Duncan M. Roads
Editor, NEXUS Magazine
PO Box 30, Mapleton Qld 4560 Australia
Tel: 07 5442 9280; Fax: 07 5442 9381