SATHYA SAI BABA and the International Sathya Sai Organisation

After the death in April, 2011, everything concerning the running of the Sathya Sai Organisation, the Sathya Sai Central Trust and all institutions under its aegis became highly uncertain. The conflicts of interest and attempts to take over the finances and authority of Sai Baba was intense and took place mostly behind closed doors. The remaining family of Sai Baba were excluded frm all in fluence, apart from the winner of the battle, his cousin Ratnakar. News outlets in India and also abroad covered many of the issues that arose, being very largely critical of events.The Sathya Sai Cental Trust was and is the overall decision-making body where any money or projects is concerned. It's deliberations were kept totally secret and it retained a very large measure of unaccountability despite some improvement in public information.
Some of the main articles are covered in the following linked blogs.

Sathya Sai family bitter feud over Central Trust funds
Sai Central Trust money grabbing – Tehelka report
Sri Sathya Sai Central Trust goes begging
Sai Trust members accused of murder threat by Sai Baba relative
Sathya Sai Central Trust gets away with it again
Sai Trust: irregularities & secrecy on Sai Baba's death
Sathya Sai Central Trust still shrouds all in secrecy
Former Minister accuses Sai Trust members of the death of Sai Baba

Protests in Puttaparthi against Sai Central Trust
The obvious illegality of the Sai Central Trust's appropriation
Sathya Sai Trust decoyed police and media on tax issues
Sai Central Trust credibility totally destroyed
Sai Trust plea dismissed by Court
Sai Trust not yet transparent, despite Ratnakar's bluster
Donations to Sathya Sai Central Trust misused by/for directors etc.
Sai Trust in the footsteps of Sathya Sai Baba
Sai Baba Trustee statements so false as to confirm greater suspicion
Sathya Sai Trust accounting ‘leela’?
Sathya Sai Trust lost 16 key government exemptions
Sai Trust gets bill for removed government subsidy
Sai Trust member K.R. Prasad spread untruth by Sai Baba
Sathya Sai Trust steps up damage limitation ploys and the aggro
Sathya Sai Trust carve-up Baba's secret treasure house continues
Corruption India: Sai Baba cult hoard plunder by Trustees?
Sathya Sai Trust enmity in public, while their cover-ups reigns
Sai Trust van impounded by Andhra police with treasure trove
The Sathya Sai Trust propagandist, G. Venkataraman
Sathya Sai Central Trust era of unaccountability drawing to a close?
Police summons for two Sathya Sai Central Trust board members
Sai Trust van impounded by Andhra police with treasure trove?
Sathya Sai Central Trust untrustworthy!

Sathya Sai Central Trust disinformation


Concise Summary of the Chief Failings, Deceptions and Nature of the Sathya Sai Organisation
Ten Questions about the Sai Organisation
Documentary proof that the Sathya Sai Organisation has long been informed about Sai Baba sexual abuses
Unanswered public letter from concerned persons as sent to Sathya Sai Baba';s 'Prashanthi Council'
The letters from Dr. John Hislop on sexual abuse complaints to him as President of the US Sai Organisation
The five letters by Dr. John Hislop about Sai Baba's sex abuses

Major statement exposing Sathya Sai Organisation deceits about a US lawsuit by Alaya Rahm

Sathya Sai Organisation disinformation and subterfuge
The International Sathya Sai Organisation A major participant observational study and documented sociological analysis of its goals, structure, management and functions.
The Questionability of the Sathya Sai Organisation's EHV statistics

False propaganda from UK Sathya Sai Organisation on a meeting in Westminster Cathedral which never occurred
The Secretive and Authoritarian Sathya Sai Organisation
Sathya Sai Baba's Super-speciality Hospitals as two-faced projects
Sathya Sai Baba's Organised 'Men in Suits'
Covered-up failures of Sathya Sai Organisation's 'Educare' projects
Comment on 'Peace Education' by Sathya Sai Organisation under the EEHV programme
The Sai Movement closes ranks and battens down against the media
Sai Organisation propaganda spending spree in Sydney- Part One -and- Part Two

On the total Public Unaccountability of the Sathya Sai Organisation The refusal of the Sathya Sai Organisation to answer the slightest criticism of any kind can be seen throughout its published websites and all documents released to the public on all its official and semi-official websites. The organisation does not practise duty of care, now does it conform with mandatory reporting of suspected sexual crimes, and in this it exceeds even the Vatican in cover-up. Such questions were raised by the BBC investigatory team, who approached the former world leader of the Sathya Sai Organisation, Dr. Michael Goldstein with questions about its accountability. Because they were never given any satisfactory answers to any of the issues they raised, they decided to film Dr. Goldstein with a hidden camera at their last questioning of him. The result was extremely revealing, both of the Sathya Sai Organisation's policy, of the degree of deluded belief of Dr. Goldstein and not least as to his extremely unprofessional views on how to know whether sexual abuse has taken place (quite amazing from a qualified doctor supposedly conversant with this field). His total insensitive and aggressive attitude is a real eye-opener as to cult cover-up and can be viewed in transcript and in video clips


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