Saturday, January 02, 2010 3.39 AM IST
Andhra Governor Tiwari resigns
The resignation came a day after Telugu television channel 'ABN Andhra Jyothi' aired a footage captured in a sting operation of an elderly man with three women in Raj Bhavan in a compromising position, which the channel said was of Tiwari.
The Raj Bhavan denied it and promptly approached the High Court yesterday and got a restraint order on the channel from telecasting the footage. The sting operation evoked a string of demands from political parties, like TDP, CPM, CPI and BJP, that he be sacked. Women's organisations also staged demonstrations deploring the Governor's behaviour and demanded that he step down immediately.
The Congress welcomed the resignation saying Tiwari has taken the appropriate decision. Party sources said the Governor of some neighbouring state could be given additional charge of Andhra Pradesh for some time. Indications that Tiwari cannot continue in the post emerged when the Centre sought a report from the state Chief Secretary on the issue today and highly-placed Congress sources said that he would have to go in view of the acute embarrassment he had brought to the organisation.
"I think he has taken an appropriate decision keeping in view the high standards of public life. We welcome it," AICC media department chief Janardan Dwivedi told reporters in Delhi. Congress spokesman Shakeel Ahmed had earlier said that the High Court is looking into the matter. "Since the matter is sub-judice, no one should comment upon it".
This is not the first time that Tiwari, also a former Union Minister, has figured in controversies involving women. Sometime ago, a lawyer Rohit Shekhar had filed a paternity suit in Delhi High Court against Tiwari claiming that he was born out of intimate relationship between the Congress leader and his mother Ujwala Sharma. The charge was, however, denied by the Governor.
12/28/2009 8:57:00 AM
The Bhagavad Geeta says that the progress of Kali Yug will inevitably bring about a sharply declining trend in moral and ethical standards of people, especially of the so calleed leaders who are looked to by ordinary people for example. Kali Yug will be marked by an overwhelming majority of people with unimagible levels of Hypocrisy and dishonesty, and adoption of camouflages and subterfuges to destroy truth and mislead any probe to detect shocking truths. The Purans go into very vivid, often lurid, details of the perversions and the unbearable criminal complexion of the times during this Yug. These aberrations will in fact be the norm or what is now called "fashion", and only a handful of them will be discriminated for exposiure, as a part of the universal rat race of crime and immorality of all kinds, as the criminals play a game of settling scores among themswleves.
12/27/2009 3:48:00 PM
Governors and Presidents , in India are jobs assigned to politicians who are not in any way specially noted for their high character or culture or understanding of the Indian heritage in arts, philosophy, etc. As erstwhile active politicians, they are generally commoners noted for their political roles as musclemen who can mobiliisee votes, inspire local party chieftains with their wrangling and muscling their way up the political hierarchy. When bigger rivals arise, they are shunted to gubernatorial or higher positions using party's majority strengths where they exist. Since as we know most politicians today are no great specimens of sexual morals or other dimensions of personal character, and indeed are mostly BELOW AVERAGE rated in this respect, it should not be surprising that sting operations succeed in exposing politicians holding such positions for their shocking private behaviour.By the way our media too are run by men with mere gift of the gab or of the pen, or just looks (
12/27/2009 3:37:00 PM
If it is wrong then tiwari left his office.Due to this things are we are facing shame to raise our head in other countries.Shameful if it is true.
12/27/2009 12:35:00 PM
Why no TV channel like CNN-IBN,Times Now, NDTV,Star news,Aaaj tak, etc have NOT telecast or shown these juicy clips?SIMPLE,SONIA \Maino ordered them to keep QUIET on the matter If instead of this congress guy Tiwari,if it was a BJP or Shiv Sena or hindu man,these bribed&biased channels would have shown these clips for many weeks together to blacken the image of BJP,Shiv Sena&hindus in general.This Tiwari incident confrims that the above channels AREcongress-funded or congress-backed &anti-hindu,anti-BJP channels&it is time for all hindus to boycot such bribed&shallow channels&newspapers too.See some anti-hindu bloggers above maligning&trying to blacken the image of hindu religion& hindu religious leaders without any reason&doing the blow job for congress &slavish pro-congress TV channels.BJP,RSS&VHP&Hindus must take the media head-on for their bais&crooked anti-hindu reportings.
12/27/2009 10:37:00 AM
Congress-funded and bribed channels like CNN-IBN,Times Now,NDTV,Star News,Aaak tak etc&news papers like indian express and hindu newspaper are trying to DO the cover-up operation to save crooked congress and sonia maino and her agents.Crooked congreess has been in this business since many decades.This has been Congress culture since time of the the great womaniser Nehru.The whole world knows about the secxual explouits of Nehru and his involvement with Edwina,Mountabben's wife. .Why no TV channel like CNN-IBN,Times Now, NDTV,Star news,Aaaj tak, etc have NOT telecast or shown these juicy clips?SIMPLE,SONIA \Maino ordered them to keep QUIET on the matter If instead of this congress guy Tiwari,if it was a BJP or Shiv Sena or hindu man,these bribed&biased channels would have shown these clips for many weeks together to blacken the image of BJP,Shiv Sena and hindus in general.
12/27/2009 10:29:00 AM
Dear Sethuraman... Dont preach for Sri Sathyasai Baba. His devotees know the best. Let the detractors and non believers shout on top of their voice against Swami. That will not deter our faiths on Swami. No need to waste your time with fools. I got into this page by accident with the name of SAIBABA. I dont want to waste time on this page. Sairam.
12/27/2009 10:11:00 AM
@True Hindustani you have a valid point there. what's disturbing is that if media shows huge bias for a routine investigative journalism, and that too for a person like NDTiwari (whose exploits while in office is supposed to have been legendary - reports surfacing now) ; these national media outlets have no shame, and they dont have a high moral yardstick for themselves. time and again people like barkha dutt have shown how miserable they are!
12/27/2009 8:48:00 AM
He can now be a brand ambassador for Viagra in India
12/27/2009 6:45:00 AM
Why not amend the constitution? Governorship is nothing but a place to keep disgruntled and failed politicians. Tax payors could be spared of croroes of Rupees, if this position is nullified. Why are you guys saying about the lack of media coverage to expose high society sex offenders only. How about those who continue depositing huge sums of dollars in Swiss accounts? Where are the media people on these issues? India needs to wake up and a thorough cleansing is urgently required. We have dozens of godmen and god women who constantly prey upon common people. They have no supernatural powers. They are dirty parasites feeding on the blind believers. Sai Baba is perhaps worse compared tp A;i Baba.
12/27/2009 5:07:00 AM
True Hidustani, We are tired of your boring mails. Everybody knows Media has an axe to grind. Are you from some political party. Stop boring us.
12/27/2009 12:22:00 AM
See no congress funded and bribed TV channels like CNN-IBN,Times Now,NDTV,Star News,Aaaj tak etc are completely balcking out Tiwari news and scandal on orders from Sonia Maino mafia? Why no TV channel like CNN-IBN,Times Now, NDTV,Star news,Aaaj tak, etc are telecasting or showing these clips? If instead of this congress guy Tiwari,if it was a BJP or Shiv Sena or hindu man,these bribed and biased channels would have shown this clips for many weeks together to blacken the image of BJP,Shiv Sena and hindus in general.This Tiwari incident confrims that the above channels and congress-funded or congress backed anti-hindu,anti-BJP channels and it is time for all hindus to boycot such bribed and shallow channels and newspapers too.Shame, media, intelletcuals, Majoirty Hindus,Shame,Shame
12/27/2009 12:10:00 AM
SHAME ON INDIANS AND THE POWERFUL INDIAN MEDIA. Cheats and Charlatans and sexual predators and swindlers of money like Sai Baba are protected by the powerful!!!!
12/27/2009 12:08:00 AM
Which Media person with GUTS will have the courage to expose the India Godman SATYA SAI BABA? He is a blatant fraud and he has cheated millions of emotionally handicapped and lonely people.
12/26/2009 11:58:00 PM
Previously telangana advocate CReddy had similar complaints, when he was governor of TN. JJ openly complained that he invited her. Chennareddy even changed the colour of Governor's residence to pink, when he was appointed Gov, in Rajastan and Madras, to suit his whims and fancies. Such a guy was laid to rest in a popular park in Hyderabad amidst protests.
12/26/2009 11:54:00 PM
Somu, Arun, Selva and Srilakshmi and Sivaraj, India needs people like you to clean up this society. Many Europeans like me love Indian philosophy, we get attracted and come to India , but some of us out of curiosity go to fake Gurus and get fooled. some learn, some don't because we have Self-Mistrust. I still love India more than my own country. it is because of people like you.
12/26/2009 11:52:00 PM
Sethuraman and Krishnakumar, Are you both gay?
12/26/2009 11:47:00 PM
TO: Krishnakumar- I used to be a devotee of Sai Baba till my boyfriend was given a private meeting when he took him inside and asked him to do sexual things with him. My boy friend was shocked , he refused, came out. My boy friend is heterosexual. We both left Puttaparthi because, after that we were threatened by Sai Baba's thugs. We were both 23 yrs old. We realized that we had to leave. So don't live in your make believe world!!!! Wake up. I bet you are not sexually interesting , otherwise he would have tried you too.
12/26/2009 11:45:00 PM
Dear Arun, Nice to have a bright person like you in our midst.
12/26/2009 11:38:00 PM
Dear Sethuraman and Krishnakumarji, I am not basing my allegations on some hearsay. I have spoken to Tanya Dutta. Please see the way Murali Manohar Joshi responding in Youtube. Why would God want to put a boy's penis in his mouth? Please read the interviews in Youtube. Why would anybody defame himself by saying these things he had with sai baba? And so many people? Why would God want to perform miracles and give diamonds and rings to rich people? Why is India so Poor if God lives in India? Why would God have such kitsch taste and be born so ugly? ... Read his autobiography: Hisstory , this book is a clear indication of his complete lack of intelligence. If you get impressed by a man like this you are emotionally retarded. Sorry to be so straight!
12/26/2009 11:36:00 PM
How about erecting a statue for him in Raj Bhavan with the following inscription: "Statue of His Lowliness Nasty Dick (ND) Tiwari who converted the Raj Bhavan into a Brothel" ! By the way, what is the next target of our dirty, lowlife, mother-seller politicians? Production of blue films in Rashtrapati Bhavan? :)))
12/26/2009 11:02:00 PM
good point @ aurodas! amazing that he could move the court on xmas day. simply impossible for any ordinary citizen. and how quickly it was snuffed out of media before it could do more damage. worse still, none of the national media is talking about the dirty deed.
12/26/2009 10:31:00 PM
And how fast the state apparatus acted to help him out! Divisional bench convened on Christmas day to act on PIL of Governor and additional security forces placed for his protection!!
12/26/2009 10:15:00 PM
An extreme example of what congress leaders have become in Independent India
12/26/2009 10:10:00 PM
ND Tiwari was involved in this ALL his life. in the recent paternity suit NDTIWARi rejected the DNA test, what was he afraid of ? also, congress dint claim tiwari was innocent, they merely said, we'll wait to see if the tapes are real or fraud. it means that they have been knowing his antics all the while, just that they dint want him to be caught!!!
12/26/2009 10:08:00 PM
Sethurama or Sothurama, you have to be ashamed of yourself. SAIBABA is a pucca Fraud, Child Molester, and a Criminal. Forget the BBC or Christiantity or Missionaries and their story. All you need to do is look up Youtube and Google videos which shows this Fraudster cheating the people. SAIBABA is responsible for Murdering 6 Boys in 1993 which was covered up with the help of India's Police, President and PM. The guy is a Cheap Magician with his Vibhuti Producing and HMT to Rolex Watch Tricks. Murder is a Criminal act and this SAIBABA should be tried and jailed. He is in the same class as a Rapist and Criminal. This guy is not GOD and has nothing to do with GOD. He is a CRIMINAL who has to be tried and Jailed
12/26/2009 10:03:00 PM
12/26/2009 10:03:00 PM
Sethuraman... from saibaba gay group? .. education at free of cost !! from his hard earned money..?
12/26/2009 9:59:00 PM
The morals of the country, particularly of politicians is going to ditch. India neads a Messaih to save the country and people. Otherwise if these immoral nuisance continues, it will totally rot India. Previously during BJP govt, when a law was proposed to give capital punishment or something near to it to rapists, was opposed by corrupt and criminal MPs.There should be constitutional laws to prevent corrupt persons occupying top posts and implement it. Corrupt persons are promoted as great leaders by parties and govt. These corrupts inturn promote further corruption, immorality, while civilians are the sufferers.
12/26/2009 9:59:00 PM
Those who blame Sathya Sai Baba should think before they do the same !! Do they have any evidence against him ?? If you want to defame someone ..you could just link him with something or the other without substantial evidence or proof ...Sathya Sai Baba is running many charity trusts and education free of cost ( when I say free - they are really free !) ....Sathya Sai hospitals perform heart operations free of cost for poor pateints ( in fact for every patient) .. SO DO NOT BLAME A PERSON JUST BECAUSE BBC SAID IT !! BBC wants to spread Christianity in India and make India a Christian majority country and hence they defame Hindu religion and Hindu saints and seers....some one even called 'Deepavali' as 'Devils worship' can we accept that !Please think before you speak!
12/26/2009 9:43:00 PM
resigned due to health conditions... dick is not working ?
12/26/2009 9:38:00 PM
Which brand of Viagra did he use or was it "palang thod bhang?". Also dear readers (AND WRITERS)-remember he may have been testing his resistance to temptation- I am sure we all know that this is a way to test your will power- a way to prove that you are a true Gandhian (or King Davidian!)
12/26/2009 9:33:00 PM
Quite agree with Srilakshmis comments. That is INDIA. As the mediaman is ready, will the Raj Bhavan and the Congress proceed further in the right path or hush up things? Let us wait and see.
12/26/2009 9:00:00 PM
Srilakshmi well said. The Fake Fraud Magician, Child-Molester SAIBABA should be tried and jailed. Goltis are a 'Special' species in India. Total fraudsters in whatever they do. The year 2009 started off with news of Crook Raju of Satyam and his fellow Andhra Gangsters who supported him in his Loot of 20,000 Crores from Satyam. None of these guys has been sentenced yet. It should not surprise anyone as that is the way things work in fraud Hyderabad. And now this Telengana trouble or better put Mayhem. Added is the SEX pervert Congress Governor Tiwari. 2009 can be called as 'Year of the Goltis' in the Indian Calendar!
12/26/2009 8:56:00 PM
What former CEC used to emphasise in all hids public lectures that " THOSE WHO ARE EXPECTED TO BE IN JAILS ARE IN PARLIAMENT AND ASSEMBLIES " is very correct. This staement of Seshan is applicable to Rajbahavan also as some Rajpramuk or Governors are also added. This is applicable to almost all parties. It is a shame on our democracy. See in Karnataka Renukacharya having number of criminal cases is made a minister. It is foolish to say verdict is not delivered and till such time honest. If they are realy honest must resign and force people to prove the allegation. B S GANESH BANGALORE
12/26/2009 8:38:00 PM
The Great Karnatak Musician Thyagaraja Said in one of his Kirtanas" Entha Nerchina Enthachchina Enthavaraliyina Kanthadasule". That means whatever may be the scholarship,whatever may be their worldly wisdom all are slaves to beautiful ladies.Even sages in Puranas were unable to resist the temptation for Beautiful ladies.Power in the olden days.Power brings all pleasures.Anyjow poor Tiwari at this age of 85 is going with a scandal of this type. pity.
12/26/2009 8:23:00 PM
the resignation just proves that the governor was guilty. if anyone is innocent, he stands up to the injustice, not weasel out.
12/26/2009 7:25:00 PM
ND Tiwari is a harmless fool. Media do not have the GUTS to expose Satya Sai Baba , who has , according to BBC's Tanya Dutta's investigation molested and had sex with many young men and has been involved in murders. This allegation is not considered - WHY? 1. He has the PM falling at his feet 2. Bipartisan support is enjoyed by him 3. Judges like PN Bhagwathi are on his side trying to cover up all allegations . WILL ANYONE IN THE MEDIA HAVE THE GUTS TO EXPOSE HIM? They pick on a dying man like Tiwari !!! SHAME ON US ALL INDIANS. [YOUTUBE - THE SECRET SWAMI of the BBC and YOUTUBE Murali Manohar Joshi makes a fool of himself . Google ex-Baba and read up and see the movies on him. This man is escaping all justice for decades!!!! What a shame!
12/26/2009 7:04:00 PM
This has been Congress culture since time of the the greate womaniser Nehru.The whole world knows about the secual explouits of Nehru and his involvement with Edwina,Mountabben's wife. Of course Tiwari will deny every thing.It is not surprising since no thief or corrupt politician will ever say the the did the stealing or did the corruption.Why no TV channel like CNN-IBN,Times Now, NDTV,Star news,Aaaj tak, etc are telecasting or showing these clips? If instead of this congress guy Tiwari, it was a BJP or Shiv Sena or hindu man,these bribed and biased channels would have shown this clips for many weeks together to blacken the image of BJP,Shiv Sena and hindus in general.This Tiwari incident confrims that the above channels and congress-funded or congress backed anti-hindu,anti-BJP channels and it is time for all hindus to boycot such bribed and shallow channels and newspapers too.
12/26/2009 3:57:00 PM
AP you have no common sense, that video looks like fake and no governor is brave enough to do such thing in Rajbhavan, because it would leak out immediately. AP you are insulting your Raj-Guru and I believe Guru (Pragaspathy) is not all seeing the AP now. Govinda Govinda!
12/26/2009 3:38:00 PM
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as if AP is not facing enough problems now on the telangana issue, this has to happen. stupid indian politicians have more talent in getting money and fulfilling other selfish desires than helping the country. wish there were better officials in the center government than this italian lady and her puppet manmohan singh to help this nation grow and not divide and degenerate like the centuries old india with many divided kingdoms.